Ársfundur Chihuahuadeildar 2018
20. mars 2019
- Daníel Örn Hinriksson formaður setti fund
- Skipan fundarstjóra og ritara
Formaður stakk upp á Guðbjörgu Guðmundsdóttur sem fundarstjóra sem var samþykkt og Rósu Traustadóttur sem ritara sem var einnig samþykkt. Fundarstjóri tók stjórnun fundarins úr hendi formanns. - Lögmæti fundar kannað
Lögmæti fundar var kannað, hann var auglýstur á heimasíðu Hundaræktarfélags Íslands þann 7. mars sl. og sama dag á heimasíðu og facebooksíðu Chihuahuadeildar. Fundur fullkomlega lögmætur. - Skýrsla stjórnar
Formaður las skýrslu stjórnar og bar upp til samþykktar. Kom fram ein leiðrétting á alþjóðlegum meistaratitli sem var leiðrétt þegar í stað. Skýrsla samþykkt. - Ársreikningur 2018
Gjaldkeri deildarinnar Anna Guðný Jónsdóttir fór yfir ársreikning deildarinnar og bar upp til samþykktar. Ólöf Karen Sveinsdóttir spurði um fjármagn til næstu ára þar sem ekki er mikið til í sjóði. Því var vísað í önnur mál. Reikningar samþykktir. - Stjórnarkjör; 3 ganga úr stjórn; Daníel Örn Hinriksson, Anna Guðný Jónsdóttir og Kristín Þórmundsdóttir en þau hafa öll ákveðið að gefa kost á sér aftur.
Fundarstjóri bar upp hvort fleiri ætluðu að bjóða sig fram, en svo var ekki og því var engin breyting á stjórn. - Önnur mál
Upp kom mikil umræða um fjáröflun fyrir deildina og meðal annars mælti Klara Símonardóttir með hugmyndavinnu fyrir fjármögnun. Sigurbjörg Vignisdóttir kom með hugmynd um derhúfur og margnota poka. Klara Símonardóttir talaði um að kaupa og selja t.a.m. útifuglafóður sem hægt væri að kaupa hjá Klöru/Petmark.
Mælt var með að koma upp Bingónefnd formaður og stjórnarmenn styðja það. Ásta María Karlsdóttir er tilbúin að vera í forsvari fyrir þá nefnd og Klara býður fram húsnæði.
Anna Guðjónsdóttir var með fyrirspurn um afmælissýningu á næsta ári þe 2020. Formaður svaraði því til að verið væri að vinna í málinu. Það var ljóst á fundinum að vilji var fyrir að fá sérfræðing í tegundinni en ekki All Rounder dómara ef hægt væri. Dagssetning sýningar mun stýrast mest megnis af dómara.
Ásta María Karlsdóttir kallaði eftir upplýsingum um Nordic fundinn og benti á að hægt væri að halda félagsfund um hann.
Klara Símonardóttir vildi prófa aftur Nýliðadag fyrir nýja eigendur, umræða spannst um það.
Guðbjörg bauð formanni síðan að slíta fundi.
Stjórnarfundur 11.02 2019
Anna Guðný Jónsdóttir, Daníel Örn Hinriksson, Gubjörg Jensdóttir, Kristín Þórmundsdóttir, Rósa Traustadóttir.
- Undirbúningur fyrir Heiðrun stigahæstu hunda deildarinnar þann 13. feb. nk. kl. 19:30
Farið yfir stigahæstu hunda fyrir heiðrun svo allir titlar séu réttir fyrir útprentun. - Ákveðið að heiðra ungliða á svipaðan hátt og hvolpa. Þe þeir ungliðar sem ná sæti í úrslitum um besta ungliða sýningar verða heiðraðir.
- Farið yfir veitingar kvöldsins.
Fleira ekki gert og fundi slitið
Rósa Traustadóttir ritari
Stjórnarfundur 30.01.2019
Anna Guðný Jónsdóttir
Daníel Örn Hinriksson
Gubjörg Jensdóttir
Kristín Þórmundsdóttir
Rósa Traustadóttir
1. Úrslit sýninga á vef chihuahuahrfi.is Þar sem breyting hefur orðið á framsetningu úrslita hjá HRFÍ og öll úrslit birtast á netinu fyrir alla að sjá. Þá hefur stjórnin ákveðið að í stað þess að skrá öll úrslit í deildinni okkar og setja á heimasíðuna, munum við framvegis setja úrslit í hvorri feldgerð.
2. Bingó
Ákveðið að athuga hvort einhverjir í deildinni hafi áhuga á því að gefa kost á sér í Bingónefnd og sjá um Bingó á vordögum.
3. Garðheimar 9-10 febrúar Setja á facebook og senda á deildarmailið og kanna áhuga deildarinnar hvort ræktendur vilja vera með.
4. Heiðrun 13. febrúar nk.
Ákveðið að hafa heiðrun stigahæstu hunda miðvikudaginn 13. Febrúar kl. 19:30.Panta skrifstofuna Anna Guðný Prenta skjöl Kristín og Rósa
Athuga með gjafir Anna Guðný
Panta köku hjá Myllunni Kristín
Gos og aðrar veitingar Anna Guðný
5. Ársfundur
Stefnum á ársfund þann 20. mars nk. á skrifstofu HRFÍ kl. 20.00. Anna Guðný pantar skrifstofuna. ATH auglýsa ársfundinn fyrir 8. mars svo allt sé löglegt.
6. Bikaramál fyrir næstu sýningu
Nóg til af bikurum sem okkur hefur verið gefið en þarf að merkja. Bláar rósettur einnig til.
6. Út að borða eftir sýningu
Prófum Grillhúsið laugardagskvöldið 23. febrúar.
7. Deildarsýning
Stefnt að því að halda Deildarsýningu á afmælisári deildarinnar arið 2020.
Fleira ekki gert og fundi slitið
Rósa Traustadóttir ritari
Summary frá fundinum í Noregi 21-22 apríl sl.
Nordic chihuahua meeting 21. April 2018
Norway Karolina “Kina” Tonerud, Chairman, Lena Sparbo Vanvik, Vice Chairman, Anniken Holtnæs, Breeding Council leader and Nadja Hauge, Breeding Council member.
Sweden Björn Hellström, Chairman, Ellinor Klingborn Oldenvik, Board member and Breeding council member.
Finland Merja Karhunen, Chairman, Marja Kosonen, Veterinarian and former Board member and Virpi Kauppinen, Vice President and Breeding Council leader.
Island Not present, but they sent info about their club and health results in advance which were presented by Kina. It was sendt from: Daniel Örn Hinriksson; President, Rósa Traustadóttir; Secretary, Anna Guðný Jónsdóttir; Treasurer, Guðbörg Jensdóttir; Boardmember,
Kristín Þórmundsdóttir; Boardmember
The meeting started with Kina wishing all welcome and Marja had a review of the summary from the previous meetings.
Problems discussed at last meeting: fontanella, wolf clowes, syringomyelia, merle, young females being bred and testicals .
Norwegian Chihuahua club, by Kina
Norwegian Chihuahua Club was established in 2010.
Our board consists today of:
Karolina (Kina) Tonerud, Chairman
Lena S Vanvik- Vice chairman
Tone Hellvin -Secretary
Jeanette Heggeseth- Banker
Siv Helen Henning-Till
Line Flobergseter
Kine Bringe
Vice members:
Ståle Myrvold
Kristin L Halvorsen
We have about 4 board meetings a year, and the board works on a forum and via mail in between.
The board manages the website: www.nchk.no, Facebook page Norsk Chihuahuaklub, Instagram and an "Active Chihuahua page". We are attempting to reach members through several media to show our presents. The editor and webmaster is Karolina Tonerud.
Our breeding council consists today of:
Anniken Holtnæs- Chairman
Nadja Hauge
Camilla Mikkelsen
The breeding council works by answering emails from the members and has their own sub forum (facebook group) where they talk together. The Breeding Council is responsible for guidelines and health issues off the breed.
We currently have 598 members, something I am convinced is a fault in the new billing system from NKK. We have had a lot of problems with this and received requests from several members about it. There are also 140 members unpaid for 2018 in the registry.
In 2016 we had a record of 880 members.
Our member magazine ”Chihuahuaposten” is released 4 times a year and varies in size, ranging from about 90 pages to 130 pages. We try to have a varied content where we can have something for all members, both "active and passive."
We arrange specialty show once a year, last year there were 262 dogs enrolled. We have the club's annual meeting the same weekend, and in recent years we have also had a barbecue after the meeting. It has been free for club members and cost 50 NOK for non member. It has been very popular and last year we were about 75 persons at the BBQ.
At the annual meeting, "Top winning rosettes" are distributed to Adult, Veteran, Puppy, Breeding Class and Breeder Group in both coats. They are sponsored by the club and is there for free for our members while they cost 300 NOK for non members.
New to this year is the "Active Chihuahua Rosettes", which will first be distributed in annual meeting 2019. There will be rosettes and top winning lists for:
Rally Obdence
Weight Pull
Freestyle / HTM
Our puppy agent is Beate Sørum, she works by mail, telephone and its own facebook page we opened in 2016 ”Norsk Chihuahuaklubbs Valpeformidler”. This page has been very helpful in advertising puppies and planned litter and reaches out to many. Beate advertise only for members of the club as our breederslist are for our members only.
Our ”RAS- Rasespesifikk Avels Strategi”, Breedspesific breedingstrategy was completed in the autumn of 2015 and will be renewed / evaluated by 2020. RAS is the work of a separate group consisting of Kari Kristensen (Earlyer Deputy Chair of the Club- 2015), Lene Strand (Earlyer Head of the Breeding Council 2014-2015) and Toril Celius (Breeder and veterinarian). The board has written the final section and goal of the breed in the document.
Iceland Chihuahua club, by Kina
The Icelandic Chihuahua Club thanks for the invitation to the Nordic Chihuahua meeting 2018 but unfortunately we were not able to attend. But as promised we have gathered health information for eyes, knees and heart. We have no measurement of temper in the breed but every breeder is aware of the importance of temperament and aims to have excellent temper in their breeding.
Was founded 18th of May 2005 and have today 42 active members. For the past ten years they have had a specialty show every other year, since the entries are only about 60-70 dogs it’s too expensive to arrange every year.
The first chihuahua was imported to Iceland 1994 and since then 47 dogs have been imported to the country. Imported dogs are mostly from the northen countries Sweden and Finnland but also from other countries such as Norway, Denmark, Russia and Italy. But our first imported dogs were from Britain and America.
From the first imported dogs in 1994 about 526 dogs have got an icelandic pedigree.
From the beginning we have had more longcoated than smoothcoated but for the last four years the number of smoothcoats are growing, as can be seen from the following graph of litters from 2007 until 2017:
From the year 2008 until 2017, 327 chihuahuas have gone through eye-examination, and only five incidents of serious eye diseases diagnosed. The certificate of eye examination is not allowed to be older than 13 months before mating, both for male and female. Below are the results of the eye-examination from 2008-2017:
1 case PRA; (2008, the dog who was diagnosed with PRA was never used for breeding and was the only puppy in his litter. He was out of a combination of half-siblings.)
3 case hereditary cataract (2010,2011 and 2013)
1 case Linseluxation
1 case RD (Rential Dysplasi)(2009)
1 case Colobom; hereditary unknown.(2009)
1 case PPM (Persisterende Pipilmembran)(2010)
10 cases Cataract; not hereditary- caused by age or injury.
21 cases Distichiasis.
If a dog is diagnosed with PRA the litter will not get a pedigree from the kennel club. The diagnosed dog, its parents, offsprings, siblings and halfsiblings are banned from breeding for life.
If a dog is diagnosed with Distichiasis in one examination but not in another one, the club presumes that the dog has the disease, and recommend to breed with a free one.
In 2007 the chihuahua club had a health examination in cooperation with Hanna Maria Arnorsdottir, veterinarian, where about 70 chihuahuas were examined. These are the result from the examination.
Before mating the club requires a certification of a patella examination from a qualified veterinarian, where the grading is numbered. If a dog is graded with a patella luxation the dog is not recommended for breeding.
The Icelandic Chihuahua Club welcomes all cooperation and we are more than happy to work closer with the other nordic chihuahua clubs.
Swedish Chihuahua club – Chihuahuacirkeln, by Björn
Chihuahuacirkeln was founded in 1977. In 2018 they have 1068 members, they have about 5000 registrated Chihuahuas. However Jordbruksverket registered 24.621 (probably some of them mixed breed) and in SKK there are 14.208 Chihuahuas registered.
Chihuahua magazine - Four issues per year, first edition in 1977. Big CC arranged since 1977 and they have a record of 337 entries in 2015. They have two specialty shows every year.
CC have contact persons for each district, who arrange meetings, training, walks etc. They also have a puppy page for members of the club, with restrictions to advertise puppies.
Finnish Chihuahua club, by Merja & Virpi
Founded in 1975 and had 1081 members in 2017. It’s possible to be member of just the Chihuahua club without FCK membership, and the other way around.
They have 9 members of the board + 1 independent person in charge of member service and member fees. They also have several committees. They communicate mostly in their facebook group.
They have contact persons in 10 different parts of the country, who arrange ring craft, dogwalks, svimming etc. The arrangements are popular.
They arrange one speciality show each year.
Their magazine is expensive to produce (16000 euro per year)
They seperate their puppy adverticements in 2 categories: A-list (for puppies who meet all requirements) and B-list (For puppies who doesn’t meet all the requirements)
Finland have to check eyes, patella and heart to registrate puppies. Patella valid for life when tested after a dog turns three years old and valid for 24 months when tested under three years of age. A dog who is graded on one of their knees with three or four patella luxation is banned from breeding. Out of total of 7953 patella examinations from 2000 to 2017 allmost 70% was examinated free. The club recommend to not breed more than patella luxation graded two in a combination.
Eye examination before breeding, (valid for 36 months). Dogs with PRA and hereditary catarats are banned from breeding . They have had three cases of PRA in Finland.
Heart auscultation before mating (valid for 36 months). Results from one to six. Grade one and two is ok. The club pays half the price for an ultrasound of a dog, who they find something wrong with on the heart auscultation.
327 chihuahuas have gone through eye-examination on Island from 2008-2017. 3 dogs found with hereditary cataract and one with PRA (2008). If a dog is diagnosed with PRA the litter will not get a pedigree from the kennel club. The diagnosed dog, its parents, offsprings, siblings and halfsiblings are banned from breeding. The certificate of eye examination must older than 13 month before mating. Before mating the club requires a certification of a patella examination from a qualified veterinarian. If a dog is graded with a patella luxation the dog is not recommended for breeding.
Norway has from 2016 required patella examination of parents before registrating. If the result is three on one knee the dog is banned from breeding. The club recommend to not breed more than a patella luxation graded one in total combined. The clubs recommentation for eye examination is before each mating (or at one, three and seven years of age) but no requirements for registration. Norway has 2 known cases of PRA.
Norway has no recommendation for heart auscultation and no habits of checking heart accept during regular health checks such as before vaccinations, surgery etc but the results are not registrated.
Sweden the dogs must go through patella examination before mating. The Swedish kennelklub registrates puppies after all grades. The club recommend to not breed more than a patella luxation graded 2 in a combination. Sweden have now recommendation for heart aucultation and will find ways to get more people to eye examin the dogs before breeding.
During discussions at the meeting we agreed that eyes are not a big problem with the breed in the Nordic countries at the moment. However it’s very important that people keep checking their dogs so we can keep track and try to have it under control before it becomes a problem.
Small Dogs – Big Problems, by Marja
An internet search about chihuahuas concluded that the breed apparently is full of diseases. Marja wrote them all down on a list for us all to go through. Which diseases had we heard about or experienced? Some was known, some very rare and some unknown.
We agreed that its mostly a healty breed, but still some diseases to follow up. Another thing we talked about was how do others look at our breed.
What do the veterans think when we attend the clinic? Is it that they automatically think that our breed is a sick dog? And are all the dogs that are coming to the Veterinary Office a Chihuahua? There are a lot of dark numbers here, in all countries. We assume that there are many mixed dogs and unregistered dogs who also come to veterinary and that they participate in the statistics like a Chihuahua.
Here, too, all countries did agree. We will all be better informed about the diseases that may occur on a dog without focusing too much on the race's illness, as we all feel that we have a healthy breed.
Norway has got as a recommendation to not breed dogs with serious trachea collapse. Finland had a test of 53 dogs for SM and 26 of them were positive (this number may not be correct because a lot of those who were tested had earlier some kind of symptoms)
Leg pertheses, hypoglycemia, hydrocephalus, Porta cava shunt and cryptorchidism was some of the diseases mentioned and discussed.
What is important to still have and what is not?
Agreed that Paralysed tongue and eyes was not nessecary to have one the list anymore , but steep shoulder and front movements should have been included. (Added since the meeting: The BSI is not changed as they did not take any of our suggestions to consideration)
Exterior, by Anniken
Here we discuss the main problems , that are not health related, in each country. These issues mentioned should be the breeders focus points at the moment.
Biggest problem in Norway now is bad fronts, weak or soft pasterns, french fronts, lack of fronts and steep shoulders (high front movements and padling). Eyes, too small. We are losing the characteristic beaver tail. Temperament is also a focus point.
Sweden- Length of body, bad tails, bad fronts, lack of applehead and too large size.
Finland – Short ribcage, bad fronts, too small eyes. Too short neck maybe because of bad shoulder. Temperament is also a focus point.
We will start a facbook group for some of the board members in each countries to discuss these topics further.
We did not have enough time to discuss Breedspesific breedingstrategy and will do that on the mentioed facebook group, and the next meeting.
The countries agreed at the meeting to send each other our magazines.
New meeting in Finland on Monday 5. august 2019, after the Finish specialty show. Merja will make reservations for cabins.
Sweden will have the meeting in 2021.
Lena will do an interview with the chairmans in each country and present their clubs in our magazine. The artikel will be sent to all for use in teir magazins if wanted.
7. -8. apríl 2018
Vinnuhelgi stjórnar v/ Nordic/International Chihuahua meeting í Noregi 21-22 apríl 2018.
Anna Guðný Jónsdóttir
Daníel Örn Hinriksson
Gubjörg Jensdóttir
Kristín Þórmundsdóttir
Rósa Traustadóttir
Farið var yfir öll töluleg gögn sem deildin hefur yfir að ráða vegna heilsufars, innflutnings, hnéskelja og augnvottorða frá árinu 2007-2017.
Eftirfarandi bréf var unnið út frá gögnum og sent út til kynningar á fundinn í Noregi.
ATH myndir birtast ekki!
The Icelandic Chihuahua Club thanks for the invitation to the Nordic Chihuahua meeting 2018 but unfortunately we were not able to attend. But as promised we have gathered health information for eyes, knees and heart. We have no measurement of temper in the breed but every breeder is aware of the importance of temperament and aims to have excellent temper in their breeding.
Our Chihuahua Club was founded 18th of May 2005 and today active members are 42.
For the past ten years we have tried to have a speciality show every other year, but since the entries are only about 60-70 dogs it is too expensive to have them every year.
The first chihuahua was imported to Iceland 1994 and since then 47 dogs have been imported to the country. Imported dogs are mostly from the northen countries Sweden and Finnland but also from other countries such as Norway, Denmark, Russia and Italy. But our first imported dogs were from Britain and America.
From the first imported dogs in 1994 about 526 dogs have got an icelandic pedigree.
From the beginning we have had more longcoated than smoothcoated but for the last four years the number of smoothcoats are growing, as can be seen from the following graph of litters from 2007 until 2017:
From the year 2008 until 2017, 327 chihuahuas have gone through eye-examination, and only five incidents of serious eye diseases diagnosed. The certificate of eye examination is not allowed to be older than 13 months before mating, both for male and female. Below are the results of the eye-examination from 2008-2017:
1 case PRA; (2008, the dog who was diagnosed with PRA was never used for breeding and was the only puppy in his litter. He was out of a combination of half-siblings.)
3 case hereditary cataract (2010,2011 and 2013)
1 case Linseluxation
1 case RD (Rential Dysplasi)(2009)
1 case Colobom; hereditary unknown.(2009)
1 case PPM (Persisterende Pipilmembran)(2010)
10 cases Cataract; not hereditary- caused by age or injury.
21 cases Distichiasis.
If a dog is diagnosed with PRA the litter will not get a pedigree from the kennel club. The diagnosed dog, its parents, offsprings, siblings and halfsiblings are banned from breeding for life.
If a dog is diagnosed with Distichiasis in one examination but not in another one, the club presumes that the dog has the disease, and recommend to breed with a free one.
In 2007 the chihuahua club had a health examination in cooperation with Hanna Maria Arnorsdottir, veterinarian, where about 70 chihuahuas were examined. These are the result from the examination.
Before mating the club requires a certification of a patella examination from a qualified veterinarian, where the grading is numbered. If a dog is graded with a patella luxation the dog is not recommended for breeding.
The Icelandic Chihuahua Club welcomes all cooperation and we are more than happy to work closer with the other nordic chihuahua clubs.
Our best wishes to the meeting and we are looking forward to read the summary.
Best regards,
Daniel Örn Hinriksson; President
Rósa Traustadóttir; Secretary
Anna Guðný Jónsdóttir; Treasurer
Guðbörg Jensdóttir; Boardmember
Kristín Þórmundsdóttir; Boardmember
Stjórnarfundur 13.03.2018
Anna Guðný Jónsdóttir
Daníel Örn Hinriksson
Gubjörg Jensdóttir
Kristín Þórmundsdóttir
Rósa Traustadóttir
Farið yfir úrslit Norðurljósasýningar sem fram fór 3.-4. mars 2018
Farið yfir úrslit en þar sem ekki var búið að fara yfir dómarablöðin á skrifstofu félagsins var ákveðið að telja stigin þegar þau lægju fyrir.
Ganga í Sólheimakoti 19. maí
í tilefni af afmæli deildarinnar þann 18. maí verður ganga í Sólheimakoti þann 19. maí og samvera eftir göngu. Fólk tekur með sér nesti í stað þess að bjóða upp á grill þar sem stutt er í Sumarsýningu 8.- 10. júní. Tímasetning ákveðin þegar nær dregur.
Sumarsýning / útisýning 8.- 10. júní nk.
Nú eru til farandbikarar fyrir báða sýningardaga. Könnum stöðu á bikurum til eignar þegar nær dregur. Einnig þarf að panta rósettur fyrir BOS í hvorri feldgerð.
Fyrirhugað að skoða kostnað varðandi pöntun á Grillvagninum í heimahús í stað þess að fara út að borða. Einnig kom til tals að athuga með kokk í heimahús Kristín athugar með Hansa kokk þann 10. júní.
Varðandi boð á Nordic/International Chihuahua meeting in Norway 21.-22. apríl 2018.
Deildin afþakkaði gott boð um að senda fulltrúa en ákveðið var að senda upplýsingar frá deildinni um þau þemu sem rædd verða á fundinum en þau eru:
Heilsufar varðandi augu, hné og hjarta, einnig skapgerð og BSI heilsufarsstöðu.
Vinna við úrvinnslu þessara gagna verður helgina 7. - 8. apríl nk.
Fleira ekki rætt og fundi slitið.
Rósa Traustadóttir ritari
Stjórnarfundur 22.01.2018
Mættir voru;
Anna Guðný Jónsdóttir
Daníel Örn Hinriksson
Guðbjörg Jensdóttir
Krístín Þórmundsdóttir
Rósa Traustadóttir
Stjórn skipti með sér verkum sem hér segir:
Daníel Örn Hinriksson, formaður.
Rósa Traustadóttir, ritari.
Anna Guðný Jónsdóttir, gjaldkeri.
Kristín Þórmundsdóttir, skjalavörður.
Guðbjörg Jensdóttir, meðstjórnandi.
Ársfundur deildarinnar þann 13.01.2018.
Yfirfarin ársskýrsla deildarinnar, undirrituð af formanni og ritara, sem og ársreikningar deildarinnar undirritaðir af gjaldkera.
Viðburðir á vegum deildarinnar
Fyrirhugað er að halda tvo félagsfundi á árinu. Félagfundurinn sem var haldinn undir yfirskriftinni, Hringborð ræktenda, heppnaðist mjög vel og var mikil ánægja meðal félagsmanna, og er það hugur stjórnar að halda slíkan fund aftur.
Í tilefni af afmæli deildarinnar þann 19. maí nk. verður afmælisgrill og ganga.
Bingó er fyrirhugað í haust.
Úrslit sýninga
Sett voru inná síðu deildarinnar úrslit sýninganna í september og nóvember, upplýsingar vantaði um úrslit hvolpasýningar en óskað verður eftir þeim upplýsingum.
Einnig voru rædd útfærslu atriði á því hvernig úrsit úrslit skulu birt.
Fulltrúaráðsfundir HRFÍ
Fulltrúaráðsfundir eru haldnir þrisvar sinnum ár hvert a.m.k., á vegum HRFÍ, og ákvað stjórn að meðan formaður deildarinnar situr í stjórn félagsins skipti aðrir stjórnarmeðlimir deildarinnar með sér að mæta á fundina.
Vorsýning HRFÍ
Bikarar eru til fyrir vorsýninguna komandi og BOS rósettur.
Fundir stjórnar
Er það hugur stjórnar að áætla stjórnarfundi fram í tímann og er það stefna stjórnar að funda fljótlega eftir hverja sýningu félagsins, m.a. til að birta úrslit og reikna út stig.
Kynningar á tegundinni; Smáhundadagar í Garðheimum.
Á meðan deildarmeðlimir hafa hug á að taka þátt á smáhundadögum í Garðheimum, sem alla jafnan eru haldnir í febrúar og september, kemur stjórn til með aðstoða við undirbúning.
Fundi slitið
Næsti fundur áætlaður 13.03.2018
Daniel Örn Hinriksson formaður ritaði fundargerð
Stjórnarfundur 10.1. 2018
Mættir: Daníel Örn, Rósa, Anna Guðný, Guðbjörg og Kristín.
- Farið yfir fundargerðir og þær samþykktar.
- Svar barst frá stjórn HRFÍ varðandi lengingu augnvottorða þann 1. desember sl. Í því bréfi óskar Vísindanefnd HRFí eftir staðfestingu á upplýsingum um greiningar augnsjúkdóma í Chihuahua sem koma fram í umsókn okkar um breytingar á reglum um augnskoðun. Erindinu hefur verið svarað og bíðum við eftir svari.
3. Undirbúningur fyrir ársfund þann 13.1 2018
- Viðurkenningaskjöl prentuð út
- Ársskýrsla yfirfarin
- Reikningar yfirfarnir
- Veitingar:
Farið yfir veitingar sem verða í boði og þarf að kaupa: 2 hvítar beljur og eina rauða belju ásamt kassa af bjór. Kristín og Guðbjörg fara í Vínberjabúðina og Costco. Kaupa snakk, osta og sitthvað fleira.
Rósa Traustadóttir